My name is Omar Portillo Daboud, I am Salvadoran, a businessman in the wood industry, a husband, and a father of four children. My story begins in September 1968, when I was born into a family of merchants. From a young age, I saw my parents dedicate themselves to their businesses, always striving to provide us with the best in material things. Although I loved and honored my parents, I never had clear spiritual guidance. Work was the priority, even on Sundays, and there was no space to nurture a relationship with God. Despite studying in religious institutions, my relationship with God was distant. I always saw Him as a figure of punishment and preferred to keep Him in heaven while I lived here on earth, not involving Him in my daily life. This perspective led me to fear Him more than love Him, and along with the complicated relationship I had with my father, I grew up as an introverted child, afraid of making mistakes. During my adolescence, my life started to take a wrong turn. I became promiscuous, frequented brothels, and lived without committing to anyone. Even as an adult, I continued living a hedonistic and materialistic life. Despite my academic success—graduating as an engineer and pursuing a Ph.D. in Philosophy—my life was marked by selfishness and vanity. I avoided commitments, thinking only of my own well-being, and saw no need to start a family. However, something began to change when I went to study for a masters degree in Madrid in 2006. In the midst of loneliness, I started to reflect on the direction of my life. I was in a romantic relationship with who is now my wife, Bertita, but my machismo and selfishness kept me from committing. She had two children, which, in my narrow-minded view, represented a difficult barrier to overcome. But something within me began to desire to start a family, especially when our son Alejandro was born in 2007. That same year, in September, an unexpected turn took place in my life. I met the International Brotherhood of Businessmen of the Full Gospel (FIHNEC) in Honduras. Although I had been invited before in my country, my arrogance and academic background made me believe that I didn’t need to learn from anyone. However, it was there that I had a personal encounter with God. In January 2008, I attended my first seminar with the fraternity. It was a revealing moment. God confirmed within me a deep desire to know Him more and serve Him. From that moment, my life began to transform. God appointed me as the Director of Intercession in my group, which made me reflect on my limitations and the need to completely depend on Him. By accepting this challenge, I realized how wrong I had been to see God as a punishing judge. I understood that "the fear of God" is a reverent respect toward Him, and that my life should be focused on pleasing Him. From that moment on, my heart began to change. I learned to be faithful, honest, and committed, both in my personal life and in my service to God. Today, together with my wife and four children, I live a life of gratitude and purpose. Despite facing the bankruptcy of my business during the financial crisis of 2008, we never stopped trusting in God. Over time, He opened doors for us, allowing us to rebuild our business, but this time with a faith-centered approach. God has done great things in my life, and every day He surprises me more. He has allowed us to travel and share our story with others, bearing witness to His power and love. Now, our family lives with the certainty that we are His children, and nothing will separate us from His love.