Since my childhood and adolescence, I experienced a sense of emptiness that made me feel alone, even though I was surrounded by people who loved me. After finishing high school, I began studying Law at university, where I met a beautiful and intelligent young woman. We became a couple for six years, but I still felt empty. We got married, but those voids persisted, deeply affecting my inner life. I tried to fill them with alcohol, believing I could control it, but that wasn’t the case. I also started smoking and found myself trapped in another addiction. Eventually, I fell into adultery, wrongly convinced that it was something natural for a man. These decisions brought misfortune into my life: my marriage, finances, work, and social relationships crumbled. I felt dead inside, and my marriage was on the verge of divorce. In the midst of this chaotic situation, I received an invitation to an event by the International Brotherhood of Businessmen of the Full Gospel (FIHNEC). Not knowing what it was about, I attended an Advanced Leadership Training Seminar (SAEL). There, I had a personal encounter with Jesus Christ, receiving His forgiveness and love. For the first time in my life, I felt whole and filled with joy. God allowed me to understand the bad decisions I had made and the damage I had caused. I realized that my wife had been praying for me, hoping that God would change my life. At that first event, her prayers began to be answered. Since then, my life changed radically. I went home and asked my wife for forgiveness, promising to be the husband she had always deserved. God rekindled the love between us, and I began to see my wife as the greatest treasure God had entrusted to me. God healed me from alcoholism, I quit smoking, and adultery disappeared from my life. Today, my wife and I serve together in this organization, being part of the couples’ committee. All of this has been God’s work in my life, and I am convinced He can do the same for you.