My name is Soledad, and I am from Montevideo, Uruguay. I want to share with you a crucial part of my life, a story about how God gave me a family when I least expected it. It all started when I was just 4 years old. I remember that my father, a violent and domineering man, became a figure of fear in my life. My parents separated because his character was unbearable—unfaithful and despotic. Under pressure, my mother signed a document renouncing child support, and from that moment on, we never received anything from him again. We lived in a small town far from the capital. My mother, with a broken heart, decided to move to Montevideo to seek a better life, but my father, through constant threats, did not allow me to accompany her. I stayed with him, and what followed was a childhood marked by abuse. Over the years, my mother finally managed to bring me to live with her when I was 12, but she still sent me to spend vacations with him, because, despite everything, she said he was still my father. At 18, after many painful visits, I made a decision: I stopped seeing him. He was a distant man, more concerned with exercising his authority than being a father. Years went by, and I eventually decided to cut off all contact with him. To me, that man was nothing more than a shadow in my life. However, destiny had other plans for me. An incident at work led me to discover God. Little by little, my life began to change. I felt a profound transformation, but something inside of me remained unsettled. Years of not thinking about him, not even remembering him, and suddenly, the weight of his figure returned to my heart. My spiritual mother spoke to me about the importance of forgiveness. "You must forgive your father, Soledad," she said. I knew she was right, but it was something I had never imagined doing. One day, I wrote a letter. I told him how he had hurt us, both me and my mother, but I also offered him my forgiveness. I apologized for all those dark thoughts I had toward him, and I promised to visit him. When I saw him, I didn’t know what to expect. However, what happened was something only God could have done. The love that sprang from my heart for him was so pure and deep that it surprised me. I felt an infinite tenderness for my father, I hugged him, and in that moment, I felt like I was rejuvenating. The weight I had carried for so many years disappeared, leaving me with a peace and happiness I had never felt before. But that wasn’t all. I discovered that I had three sisters on my father’s side. When we met, it was as if we had known each other our whole lives. The love between us was immediate and sincere. They also gave me two nephews, and suddenly, what had once been a small family of two—my mother and me—multiplied. God had given me a beautiful family. God not only gave me the gift of reconciling with my father, but also five years by his side before he passed away. But the most valuable gift was the blessing of my three sisters and nephews, a treasure I never imagined having. It all started with a simple letter, and God, in His infinite goodness, filled my life with blessings I could never have foreseen.